Title: Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer | Class 12th Poetry Lesson-1 Question Answer
Introduction: Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer
Hello! आपका स्वागत है हमारे Targetssc.com मे , अगर आप क्लास 12th के स्टूडेंट्स है और आप 2024-25 बोर्ड की तैयारी कर रहे तो ये लेख आपके लिए है , इस लेख मे हमने Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer को स्पष्ट रूप से लिखा है | आप इस लेख को आखिर तक पढे | अगर आपने Indian CIvilization के Question Answer नहीं पढे तो आप नीचे दिए हुवे लिंक को क्लिक कर के पढ़ सकते है |
Link Indian Civilization Aand Culture Summary | Indian Civilization And Culture Summary In Hindi
Youtube : https://youtu.be/Cq_YR-PTls4
Question. 1.Yours is a very loving family. You have always lived together. But now you have to leave them to go to a different city to pursue your studies. How would you feel, leaving the members of your family?
Answer: Leaving my loving family for studies would be hard. I’d feel sad and miss them deeply, but I’d also be excited about the new opportunities ahead. It would be a mix of emotions, but I’d cherish our memories and stay connected.
Answer: More wings and motives will make the speakers journeys speedier
Question. 6. What makes a man’s power feeble?
Answer: Man’s dependence on fortune make his power feeble.
Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer /Long Answer Question
1. Read the following lines carefully:
‘When thou sigh’st, thou sigh’st not winde,
But sigh’st my soule away ‘,
This is an example of hyperbole. find out other examples of hyperbole in the poem.
2. Write a note on the use of hyperbol in the poem.
Answer: sun and wind have been used as symbols of hyperbole to provide a leewa to the poet’s feeling when he desires to leave his beloved. Poet had deftly used the hyperboles to portray the emotions touching the inner conscience of the speaker. Poet t has aptly the wind the sun and the divine heart in the backdrop of innate reality of human life.
3. But believe that I shall Make
Speedier journeys, since I take
More wings and spurres then hee.
Comment on the power of love in the light of these lines.
Answer: poet has used hyperboles to express the night of love and project the flight of fancies. poet, riding on the love waves and imbued and fired by the love of his beloved in his love he has been basking intends to out beat the sun which has got no cause or desires.
4. Explain:
‘ They who won another keepe
Alive, ne’r parted bee.
Answer : the stanza wants and guards against the parting of lovers . love is tender delicate and fragile. Love treads the thin line of accord and discord poet gives the Solemn message that loving lots who care for each other, are never parted away.
5. Summarise the poems in about 100 words.
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi in his essay Indian civilization and culture talks about the sound foundation of Indian civilization which has successfully with stood the passage of time. Indian civilization has the unique distinction of surviving through the ages. the ancient civilization of Greece, rome, Egypt and China are gone. but the basis of Indian civilization is still sound and secure. the world is fast changing but India remains culturally changed. the strength of Indian civilization has been tested on the basis of experience. Sages and saints, rishis and fakirs have commanded a greater respect in India then king with all their might .Indian civilisation is based on the principle of good conduct. It points out the path of Duty and teaches us to uphold moral principles.It’s ultimate end is the attainment of self-knowledge. it aims at the elevation of the moral being. as constrasted with it, the Western civilisation is based on the worship of the material. Indian civilisation teaches Us to control and regulate our desires. it preaches self-control and shows the path of happiness.Indian civilization is meant for Elevating the moral being. that of the Western civilisation is to spread out the message of immorality. The latter is Godless, the former is based on a blief in God. it is Superior to Western civilisation, it behaves every lover of India to cling to the old Indian civilisation even as child cling to the mother’s breast.
6. What arguments does the poet give at the time of parting with his beloved?
Answer : poet talks about the certainty of death and express his desire to have some amusement.
7. How can lovers overcome ‘bad chance’?
Answer : lovers can overcome bad chances by joining their strength to their fortune.
8. What image from nature are used in the poem?
Answer: poet has used Sun and wind as the natural images to bring forth his metaphysical thoughts.
9. Which image do you like the most?
Answer: image of sun appealed to me the most
Read the following sentence write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’For False Statements:(Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer)
A) The poet wants to go away because he is a tired of his beloved.
Answer false
B) The poet has found another lady who is more beautiful.
Answer false
C) The poet intends to go on a longer journey then what does sun undertakes.
Answer True
D) Man’s power is very weak
Answer True
E) The poet loves his beloved so intensely that he will come back very soon
Answer True
Complete the following sentences on the basis of the poem(Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer)
1) speakers beloved sighs away………………..|Answer When he mind blows,
2) The speakers life’s blood decays when……….| Answer His beloved weeps bitterly
3) The speaker ask his beloved not to forethink him………| Answer Of any ill
4) they who keep one another alive can never………….| Answer Be parted
आपने अभी पढ़ा Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer अगर आपको ये लेख अच्छी लागि हो तो पेज को फॉलो जरूर कर लीजिए गा |
FAQs “Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe Question Answer”
- What is the main theme of “Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go”?
The main theme revolves around love, longing, and the emotional connection between two people. It expresses the desire to remain close despite physical separation.
- Who is the author of “Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go”?
The poem was written by John Donne, a prominent English poet known for his metaphysical poetry. - What emotions are conveyed in the poem?
The poem conveys feelings of love, yearning, and a sense of bittersweet separation. It highlights the pain of parting while affirming a deep emotional bond.
- What literary devices are used in the poem?
Donne employs various literary devices, including metaphors, imagery, and rhyme, to enhance the emotional impact of the poem.
- How does the speaker express their feelings about love and separation?
The speaker expresses that true love transcends physical distance, emphasizing that their bond remains strong despite the separation.
- What does the phrase “I do not go” signify in the poem?
The phrase signifies a commitment to love and emotional presence, suggesting that even though the speaker may be physically apart, their love endures.
- Is there a message about the nature of love in the poem?
Yes, the poem suggests that love is enduring and can withstand challenges such as distance and separation.
- How does the poem reflect on the concept of time in relationships?
The poem reflects on how time and distance may change circumstances but cannot diminish the strength of love and connection between individuals. - What can readers learn from “Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go”?
Readers can learn about the resilience of love, the importance of emotional bonds, and the ability to maintain connections despite physical absence.
- Where can I find more works by John Donne?
More works by John Donne can be found in anthologies of metaphysical poetry or online literary databases that feature his poetry.
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