Title: The Artist Summary | The Artist Question Answer
Introduction: The Artist— Shiga Naoya
Hello! आपका स्वागत है https://targetssc.com/ मे, इस बलॉगग मे आप पढ़ेंगे क्लास 12 सब्जेक्ट इंग्लिश lesson ,’The Artist’ के summary और Question Answer जिसके लेखक है ,Shiga Naoya
The Artist Summary
‘The Artist’ a short story by Shiga Naoya, a celebrated Japanese short story writer of the 20th century. It is a story of at talented Japanese boy, who is Miss understood by elderly people and how his talent is damaged.
Seibei was a twelve years old child. Studied in a primary school. After class, instead of playing with other children, he usually wandered about the town looking for gourds. He would sit cross legged in the corner of the living room working on his newly acquired fruit.
After this, he poured in a little sake, inserted a cork— stopper which he had fashioned himself, wrapped it in a towel, put this in a tin and finally placed the whole thing in the charcoal foot warmer. Then he want to bed. This Was only his hobby which he used to do everybody before going to bed.
Seibei’s got infuriated at the activity of his son.
He disliked his sons habit of wandering about from one place to another in search of gourds. He even took it along to school and used to polish it under his desk during the periods of his school. The teacher used to child him to see him engaged in such idle–pursuit instead of reading.
The teacher not only chided him in the school, but he followed him to his house. He warned seibei’s mother dad such things not be repeated. When he is father came, he was given a good thrashing.
All the collection of his gourds as also smashed.
Seibei now turns to painting. He is chided for this also. He bears his agony alone. He has no complaints against his father or teacher. But the fact remains that the gourds he treated has artistic value. The Porter sold the gourd for fifty yen. But the same gourd sold for 600 yens.
The story is interesting. It has been nobly planned. It has artistic coherence and therefore it is an organic whole.
The Artist Summary In Hindi
कलाकार- शिगा नाओया ‘कलाकार’ 20वीं सदी के मशहूर जापानी लघु कथाकार शिगा नाओया की एक लघु कथा है। यह एक प्रतिभाशाली जापानी लड़के की कहानी है, जिसे बुज़ुर्ग लोग गलत समझते हैं और कैसे उसकी प्रतिभा को नुकसान पहुँचाया जाता है। सेबेई बारह साल का बच्चा था। वह एक प्राथमिक विद्यालय में पढ़ता था। कक्षा के बाद, दूसरे बच्चों के साथ खेलने के बजाय, वह आमतौर पर लौकी की तलाश में शहर में घूमता रहता था। वह लिविंग रूम के कोने में क्रॉस लेग करके अपने नए खरीदे गए फल पर काम करता था। इसके बाद, उसने थोड़ा सा सैकी डाला, एक कॉर्क-स्टॉपर डाला जिसे उसने खुद बनाया था, इसे एक तौलिये में लपेटा, इसे एक टिन में रखा और अंत में पूरी चीज़ को चारकोल फुट वार्मर में रख दिया। फिर वह सो गया। यह उसका एकमात्र शौक था जो वह सोने से पहले हर किसी को करता था।सेबेई अपने बेटे की हरकतों से बहुत क्रोधित हुआ। उसे अपने बेटे की लौकी की तलाश में एक जगह से दूसरी जगह भटकने की आदत नापसंद थी। वह लौकी को अपने साथ स्कूल भी ले जाता था और पढ़ाई के दौरान उसे अपनी मेज के नीचे चमकाता था। उसे पढ़ने के बजाय इस तरह की बेकार की हरकतें करते देख शिक्षक उसे डांटते थे। शिक्षक न केवल स्कूल में उसे डांटता था, बल्कि उसके पीछे-पीछे उसके घर भी जाता था। उसने सेबेई के माता-पिता को चेतावनी दी कि ऐसी हरकतें दोबारा न की जाएं। जब उसका पिता आया, तो उसे खूब पीटा गया। उसकी लौकी का सारा संग्रह भी तोड़ दिया गया। सेबेई अब पेंटिंग करने लगा। उसे इसके लिए भी डांटा गया। वह अपनी पीड़ा अकेले ही झेलता है। उसे अपने पिता या शिक्षक से कोई शिकायत नहीं है। लेकिन सच तो यह है कि उसने जो लौकी बनाई थी, उसका कलात्मक मूल्य था। कुली ने लौकी पचास येन में बेची। लेकिन वही लौकी छह सौ येन में बिकी। कहानी दिलचस्प है। इसकी योजना बहुत ही शानदार ढंग से बनाई गई है। इसमें कलात्मक सुसंगति है और इसलिए यह एक संपूर्ण रचना है।
The Artist Question Answer
Question 1 Why did sebi’s teacher become angry with him? What is anger justified?
Answer: sebi’s father goat infuriated at the activity of his son. He disliked his sons habit of wondering about from one place to another in search of gourds. He even took it along to school and used to police it under which desk during the periods of his school. The teacher used to chide him to see him engaged in such idle pursuit instead of reading. The anger of his teacher was justified because he did work on gourd instead of studying well.
Question 2 How did sebi’s father react to the teachers complaint?
Answer: having come to know sabi’s fault, sebi’s father reacted. As soon as he heard the teachers complain, he became angry, and grabbed his son by the collar and gave him a sound beating. He chid his son with the warning that he should not get anywhere in the world, They he is carrying on.
Question 3 why did sebi’s father’s shout at him?
Answer: sabi’s father sorted at him because he didn’t know what he was talking about. He also told that he didn’t think so much of it. It was just a clumsy great thing.
Question 4 Which type of gourd did Sebei like?
Answer :Sebei like banking gourd.
Question 5 how much did the courio-dealer pay for the confiscated gourd?
Answer: The courio-dealer paid fifty yen for the confiscated gourd.
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youtube: https://youtu.be/7sHmFvt0SIU?si=nzkqvVXB8W99C7qW