Title: The Earth Summary In Hindi | The Earth— H.E. Bates
Introduction : The Earth Summary In Hindi
Hello! आपका स्वागत है , Targetssc.com मे | इस बलॉगग मे आप पढ़ने वाले है क्लास 12th The Earth Summary In Hindi और Question Answer| The Earth के लेखक का नाम H.E. Bates है। तो चलिए शुरू करते है , The Earth Summary In Hindi.
The Earth Summary
The Earth is a short story written by H.E. Bates, as well known short story writer. The present sort story is about of farmer Johnson and his son Benjy, who appears to be a simple minded person. The story very well depicts the laziness of the parents and growing selfishness and cunningness of their simple minded Sun who finally drives them away from their home.
Johnson is the father of
Benjy. He was a local preacher and a tenant farmer. He was a kind hearted person but a lazy one. He believed more in luck then work. He was always very concerned for his only son Benjy. Johnson was dutiful towards him and his wife and very affectionate.
One four ocassions, Benjy’s parents for disappointed with Benjy’s behaviour. The first ocation was Benjy was 21, his parents handed him the passbook and he didn’t say even a thanks.
The second one was when Benjy about his parent’s land.
The next one was when he married Florence against his parents wishes and the last one was when Benjy told his parents to leave the house.
Benjy understood about the business of hands that the eggs the hence laid could be sold to callers at the back doors of their house, in scores, half-course and fivers.
Now he is a big man of the area. He helps his neighbours. So he earns prestige in society.
In this story The writer teaches us that the man after taking birth on this earth, does something learn something. In other words everything is worthless without the earth. In the same way human life is worthless without intellect. So, giving love to the Earth on which we live and after acquiring knowledge, we can do everything in our life.
The Earth Summary In Hindi
पृथ्वी एच.ई. बेट्स द्वारा लिखी गई एक लघु कहानी है, जो एक प्रसिद्ध लघु कथाकार हैं।
वर्तमान कहानी किसान जॉनसन और उसके बेटे बेन्जी के बारे में है,जो एक सरल दिमाग वाला व्यक्ति प्रतीत होता है।
कहानी माता-पिता के आलस्य और उनके सरल दिमाग वाले बेटे सन के बढ़ते स्वार्थ और चालाकी
को बहुत अच्छी तरह से दर्शाती है जो अंततः उन्हें उनके घर से निकाल देता है। जॉनसन
बेन्जी के पिता हैं। वह एक स्थानीय उपदेशक और एक किरायेदार किसान थे। वह एक दयालु व्यक्ति थे,
लेकिन आलसी थे।वह काम से ज़्यादा किस्मत पर विश्वास करते थे।
वह हमेशा अपने इकलौते बेटे बेन्जी के लिए बहुत चिंतित रहते थे।
जॉनसन उनके और उनकी पत्नी के प्रति कर्तव्यनिष्ठ और बहुत स्नेही थे।
एक बार, बेन्जी के माता-पिता बेन्जी के व्यवहार से निराश हो गए।
पहली बार जब बेन्जी 21 साल का था,उसके माता-पिता ने उसे पासबुक
दी और उसने एक बार भी धन्यवाद नहीं कहा।
दूसरी बार जब बेन्जी ने अपने माता-पिता की ज़मीन के बारे में पूछा।
अगली कहानी तब की है जब उसने अपने माता-पिता की इच्छा के विरुद्ध फ्लोरेंस
से विवाह किया और आखिरी कहानी तब की है,जब बेन्जी ने अपने माता-पिता
से घर छोड़ने को कहा।
बेन्जी को हाथों के व्यापार के बारे में समझ आ गया था
कि इससे जो अंडे दिए जाते हैं,उन्हें घर के पिछले दरवाजे पर
आने वालों को बेचा जा सकता है, स्कोर, हाफ-कोर्स और पाँच रुपये में।
अब वह इलाके का बड़ा आदमी है। वह अपने पड़ोसियों की मदद करता है।
इसलिए वह समाज में प्रतिष्ठा अर्जित करता है।
इस कहानी में लेखक हमें सिखाता है कि मनुष्य इस धरती पर जन्म लेने के बाद कुछ न कुछ सीखता है।
दूसरे शब्दों में धरती के बिना सब कुछ बेकार है।
उसी तरह बुद्धि के बिना मानव जीवन बेकार है।इसलिए जिस धरती पर हम रहते हैं,
उसे प्यार देते हुए और ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के बाद हम अपने जीवन में सब कुछ कर सकते हैं।
The Earth Question Answer
Q.1. What did Benjy understand about the business of hens? (2020 A)
Ans. Benjy understood about the business of hens that the eggs the hens laid could be sold to callers at the back doors of their house, in scores, half-scores and fivers.
Q2. Looks are deceptive.’ How does this apply to Benjy?
Ans. It is true that ‘looks are deceptive. Outwarlly, Benjy looked a simple person with a smile on his face. Actually, he was a cunning person who befooled everyone including his parents. He was not simple simply cunning.
Q.3. Why had their land not yielded much?
Ans. Their land had not yielded much because they had put more value on faith and providence rather than on sweat and labour.
Q.4. How did Benjy’s parents feel when he silently put the passbooks in his pocket?
Ans. Benjy’s parents were shoked when Benjy silently put the passbook in his pocket. They felt a mixture of disappointment, fear,pride and pain.
Q.5. What had Benjy’s parents expected when they handed him the passbook?
Ans. Benjy’s parents expected a word of thanks from Benjy, or a concession, a willingness that they should share the money they had helped to save.
Q.6. What did Benjy want to do with money? (2019 A)
Ans. Benjy wanted to buy a piece of land with the money.
Q.7. Who had Johnson rented their land from?
Ans. Johnson had rented their land from a man named Sanders.
Q.8. What information did Sanders give them that made them happy?
Ans. When Sanders told them that their son, Benjy had bought the land, Benjy’s parents became happy.
1. What is The Earth by H.E. Bates about?
The Earth is a collection of short stories written by H.E. Bates. These stories explore various aspects of human life, emotions, and nature. Bates is known for his lyrical and descriptive writing, often delving into rural life and the relationship between people and the natural world.
2. What genre does The Earth by H.E. Bates belong to?
The collection primarily falls under the genres of literary fiction and short stories, with an emphasis on realism. Bates often explored human psychology, relationships, and the complexities of rural life in his works.
3. Who is the main character in The Earth by H.E. Bates?
The Earth is a collection of short stories, so there is no single main character. Instead, each story features different characters, with many focusing on the lives of ordinary people in rural England.
4. Is The Earth by H.E. Bates set in a specific location?
Yes, H.E. Bates’ works often take place in rural England. The natural landscape and rural life play an important role in many of the stories, reflecting the author’s deep connection to the countryside.
5. What are the key themes in The Earth by H.E. Bates?
Key themes in The Earth include the beauty of nature, the struggles of everyday life, human emotions, relationships, and the cycles of life. Bates’ writing often reflects on the interaction between individuals and the natural world, as well as the subtle complexities of human behavior.
6. What writing style does H.E. Bates use in The Earth?
Bates is known for his clear, descriptive, and poetic writing style. He often uses rich imagery to describe nature and settings, creating a vivid atmosphere in his stories. His characters are typically well-developed, with an emphasis on inner emotions and personal experiences.
7. Was The Earth by H.E. Bates well-received by critics?
Yes, H.E. Bates was generally well-regarded by critics for his storytelling and ability to capture the essence of rural life. His works, including The Earth, contributed to his reputation as a skilled writer of short fiction.
8. What is the significance of the title The Earth?
The title The Earth reflects the central theme of nature and its importance in the stories. It symbolizes the grounding force of life, the natural environment, and the connection between humans and the land they live on.
9. Can The Earth by H.E. Bates be categorized as a work of naturalism?
Yes, The Earth contains elements of naturalism, especially in its portrayal of rural life and the challenges faced by individuals in their environment. The stories often depict characters at the mercy of their circumstances, struggling with the hardships of life.
10. Where can I read The Earth by H.E. Bates?
The Earth is available in print and digital formats. It can be found at most major bookstores, libraries, or online platforms such as Amazon and Project Gutenberg.
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